Let your emotions be your creative fuel

Today I want to explore with you all the reasons we should:

Working out your feelings in your art involves using your creative process as a means of exploring, expressing, and processing your emotions. 

I’ve created a list of prompts, considerations, and reminders for the next time you need to “let it out on the canvas.”

“Art is the ultimate expression of human emotion, transcending the limitations of words.” – Rachel Hollis, Girl, Wash Your Face (2018)

Rachel Hollis, a motivational speaker and author.  This quote inspires turning to art as a way to express intricate feelings and experiences, bridging the gap between what can be verbalized and what can be felt.

Don’t push them down. Paint them out.

Remember, your tender, raw emotions can serve as your most potent form of creative inspiration by giving them a place to exist outside of your body, mind, and spirit. 


Create a painting that feels good (not looks good).

Let go of the pursuit of perfection and instead focus on capturing raw emotions on your canvas. Your feelings may not look good, but within them lies a powerful force waiting to be unleashed. This is the essence of great art—tapping into the depths of your emotions and letting them flow freely.


This is for you.

Redirect your focus from impressing others to expressing yourself. What is your soul yearning to say? What lies beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed? Embrace unfiltered feelings, knowing that it often gives the most captivating results. Your art is first and foremost your own catharsis and exploration.


Get physical.

Engage your entire being in the creative process. Paint on a larger scale, move freely. Get sweaty, make noise, and let your movements express your emotions. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in creation, not held back by constraints or expectations.

Use your words

Integrate written expression into your artwork. Use words to capture your thoughts, feelings, and desires on the canvas. Even if the words become illegible, their presence serves as a testament to your emotional journey, embedded within the layers.


Embrace imperfection and messiness in your art. 

Release the need for precision and control, allow spontaneity and rawness to guide your creative process. Paint with unconventional tools, use your non-dominant hand, and don't stay within the lines! Embrace the freedom of expression and let your true self shine through.


Set intentions

Infuse your art with prayers or intentions. Allow your spiritual or personal beliefs add meaning and purpose to your art. Incorporate symbols or gestures that add deeper level of significance.

Share your story

Tell your story through your art. If you find yourself struggling with your thoughts and emotions, expressing them visually. Mixed media elements can enrich your narrative, adding layers of depth and texture to your creations.

Your creativity is a powerful tool for self-expression and transformation. Embrace the rawness of your emotions and allow them to direct your artistic journey. This path will lead you towards deeper understanding and connection.

Working out your feelings in your art is a deeply personal and introspective journey. It's about tapping into the wellspring of your emotions and allowing them to flow freely through your creative expression, leading to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Your paintings can hold you through it all.


Personal Portraits VIDEO