my Wellness Coach

I absolutely love how the Pet Tales article featuring my sweet Ozzie (and I) looks! I wrote the story and shot every photo, this article has my heart! ❤️ I share the magic of a woman (me!), her dog… and their creative journey in the Where Women Creative Spring 2024 Edition.

Where Women Create and What Women Create are magazines I have been ‘treating’ myself to for year. Each issue is filled with endless inspiration. I set aside special time to look through the pages. I light a candle, brew a tea and settle in to read the inspiring stories of other female creatives.

I submitted photos of my outdoor studio set up to Where Women Create last fall. The editor in chief, Jennifer Blot, got back to me right away. She loved my art, but didn’t feel that an outdoor space would fit with their criteria of a studio space. She had noticed my dog in one of my photos and invited me to submit a story for their Pet Tales series. I needed to write ‘our’ story, as Ozzie would tell it and submit photos of the two of us. I wasn’t sure about writing from a dog’s perspective, but it ended up being quite fun!

Our art, our relationship, and the magical world of nature that we are so lucky to live in, are all captured for you to share in!

Here is the article for you to enjoy!

Here are a few other favourite photos that didn’t make the cut!

You never know what opportunities are out there for you, if you don’t ‘toss your hat in the ring’, as they say. I encourage you to be a little braver or a little more vulnerable, in your life and see what happens!

I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to celebrate life as it is right now, in a special story and beautiful photos.
You can get your copy on newsstands or online!


2021 The year of the faceツ


love is the word